The previous post described how to deploy to an Azure Function if access is protected by an Application Gateway. Access to the function and to the management endpoint as well were protected. The Function was protected by the Function App… Weiterlesen →
Azure Functions are a serverless way to run code. They support different programming languages and can scale quickly. As a developer, it is particularly easy to deploy functions directly from Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code. Functions are often protected… Weiterlesen →
Standard Azure Functions (not Durable Functions) have a maximum timeout of 10 minutes on a consumption plan. This is the same timeout for the new Function Runtime ~4 (missing in the link). With the Function Runtime ~3, however, the timeout… Weiterlesen →
For one project we use a Gremlin DB in Azure (Cosmos DB). Various libraries are available for use. Unfortunately, no REST is supported, which is why a corresponding simple interface had to be provided here. The most elegant way would… Weiterlesen →
In diesem Jahr hatte sich das Global Azure Bootcamp in Rostock mit dem Thema „Serverless“ beschäftigt. Wir hatten uns mehr auf Hands-On fokussiert, d.h. wir wollten etwas pratisch umsetzen und jeder sollte mit seinem Azure Pass und seinem Laptop mitmachen…. Weiterlesen →
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