If the software and inventory functionality is only used for the supported regions, the new approach can be used via the AMA and the documentation can be followed, which unfortunately contains some errors. From August, the new way via AMA… Weiterlesen →
In order to use the software inventory and change tracking, regardless of the region, the deprecated Microsoft Monitoring Agent must currently be used. The solution uses an Azure Automation account that is connected to the MMA/OMS Extension and reports the… Weiterlesen →
As described in the Post Deploy PolicySets from Azure Landing Zone Repository, PolicySets (Initiatives) can be installed directly from the Azure Landing Zone Repositiory. However, if these references other policies, they must already be installed beforehand. The following script is… Weiterlesen →
As described in the previous post, policies can be downloaded from the Enterprise Scale Architecture Repository and deployed into your own tenant. In addition to the mentioned policies, the repo also provides interesting Policy Initiatives (Policy Sets) that can also… Weiterlesen →
With the Enterprise Scale Architecture, Microsoft offers various landing zone designs that can be used directly as Terraform or Bicep. Interesting is that the repository also contains policies that are not available in the Azure portal. Microsoft recommends these policies… Weiterlesen →
The Problem For OnPrem VMs, with specific vCPU and RAM, the right VM sizes often have to be found in Azure. It is important that the prices are as low as possible. For example, with Windows, a machine with 8… Weiterlesen →
Cloud governance plays a very important role in the adaptation of the cloud. Cloud governance defines the guidelines for the cloud, i.e. the restrictions that should apply in the cloud, but also the freedom that every user can have. The… Weiterlesen →
Bei der Adaption der Cloud spielt die Cloud Governance eine ganz wesentliche Rolle. Die Cloud Governance definiert die Richtlinien für die Cloud, also die Einschränkungen, die in der Cloud gelten sollen, aber auch die Freiheiten, die jeder User haben kann…. Weiterlesen →
If workloads are to be set up in the Azure, there are various options. To make the choice easier, Microsoft provides the Compute Decision Guide (see picture above). It differentiates between Lift&Shift and Cloud Native and gives recommendations for individual… Weiterlesen →
Lately people have been talking about Azure Landing Zones. This primarily refers to the environment in Azure into the workloads be migrated or new workloads are introduced. This means the preparation of the Azure environment. Specifically, the basic structure in… Weiterlesen →
Azure governance describes the guard rails and degrees of freedom for working in Azure. On the one hand, requirements are defined, such as how resources are to be deployed or how authorizations are assigned in order to set general requirements… Weiterlesen →
Many customers have problems choosing the right Azure Region for their workload. Especially since the German Region is available, but not all Azure services are available yet, the selection has become even more difficult. To simplify the selection, the workflow… Weiterlesen →
Most customers have a risk management, but with the new cloud area, there are new risks too. Every customer has to assess them for himself and work out possible compensation strategies. The following is my personal assessment of the most… Weiterlesen →
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