Schlagwort Docker

Keycloak with SSH on Azure App Services

Keycloak is a comprehensive and free open source identity provider. It is also offered in numerous Docker variants, which makes deployment very easy. Access to the shell is necessary for the configuration, e.g. if the first user has to be… Weiterlesen →

RESTify Azure Gremlin CosmosDB with Azure Function and Remote-Container

For one project we use a Gremlin DB in Azure (Cosmos DB). Various libraries are available for use. Unfortunately, no REST is supported, which is why a corresponding simple interface had to be provided here. The most elegant way would… Weiterlesen →

Docker (Windows with Hyper-V) can not bind ports

Sometimes I get the error message:docker.exe: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint infallible_kapitsa (c7baca25c4e65da8aa6e592e7fb9ed81c0f55a3f7891e93c62a79819007f4e61): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: Der Zugriff auf einen Socket war aufgrund der Zugriffsrechte des Sockets unzulässig. The… Weiterlesen →

Debug Container for simple Tests/Analyzing

The Microsoft employee Daniel Meixner (Blog, Twitter) had created a debug container. It is based on NodeJS and provides some calls. For example, the call / provides information about the container itself and displays the provided parameters. The function /api/cascade… Weiterlesen →

Create Docker Images with SSL Kestrel API Service

In the previous post we created a certificate for a subdomain and now we want to use it in our .NET Core project and create it as a container image. Later it will be used for an Ingress with SSL-Pass-Through…. Weiterlesen →

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