Schlagwort API

Getting Costs of Azure Reserved Instances via REST

Various resources can be reserved in Azure, whereby use is guaranteed for 1 or 3 years. This can reduce the price of these resources by up to 72%. In the portal you can see these reduced costs for the reservations:… Weiterlesen →

REST Requets with automatic Token generation in Azure: az rest

APIs are available for most functionality and information in Azure. A token, which must be sent with the request, is usually required to retrieve the information. Generating a token dynamically or retrieving it via a service principal is often a… Weiterlesen →

REST-API mit Azure AD B2C und API-Managemenet

Im letzten Jahr hatte ich 2 Artikel für die Zeitschrift Windows Developer geschrieben. Es ging dabei um die Absicherung eines REST-Services mittels Azure AD B2C und im zweiten Schritt um das Managen der API mit dem Azure API-Management. Nach der… Weiterlesen →

API Development – Service as a Service

In times of DevOps, high automation and decoupled microservices, we need well-maintained interfaces that not only work today, but also in a scalable world with a flexible roadmap. Whenever a new service is created, an API is also provided.

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