Kategorie Dev

Review European Cloud Summit 2024

The European Cloud Summit took place in Wiesbaden from May 14th to 16th. 3,000 participants and over 200 speakers met in the RheinMain CongressCenter. The sessions at the Cloud Summit were structured into 5 different tracks: Business and Strategy, Open… Weiterlesen →

App Services with Private Endpoint and Outbound Routing

As described in the previous article, private endpoints can be used to securely access Azure services. With App Services there is an additional possibility to control the outgoing traffic. Specifically, when configuring the app service in the network area, 2… Weiterlesen →

Wordle Solver as Blazor WebAssembly on Azure Storage

„Blazor lets you build interactive web UIs using C# instead of JavaScript. Blazor apps are composed of reusable web UI components implemented using C#, HTML, and CSS.“ The application can be run directly in the browser as a WebAssembly. It… Weiterlesen →

RESTify Azure Gremlin CosmosDB with Azure Function and Remote-Container

For one project we use a Gremlin DB in Azure (Cosmos DB). Various libraries are available for use. Unfortunately, no REST is supported, which is why a corresponding simple interface had to be provided here. The most elegant way would… Weiterlesen →

Retrospektive zum Global Azure Bootcamp in Rostock

In diesem Jahr hatte sich das Global Azure Bootcamp in Rostock mit dem Thema „Serverless“ beschäftigt. Wir hatten uns mehr auf Hands-On fokussiert, d.h. wir wollten etwas pratisch umsetzen und jeder sollte mit seinem Azure Pass und seinem Laptop mitmachen…. Weiterlesen →

Create Docker Images with SSL Kestrel API Service

In the previous post we created a certificate for a subdomain and now we want to use it in our .NET Core project and create it as a container image. Later it will be used for an Ingress with SSL-Pass-Through…. Weiterlesen →

Using Azure Key Vault

Key Vault is a managed Azure service for handling keys, certificates and secrets. It can encrypt/decrypt and sign/validate.

Best of Connect() 2017

These are the thinks I found interessting at Microsoft Connect() 2017: Deploy and Debug directly to Azure managed Kubernetes cluster (AKS) from local VisualStudio environment: Video: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Connect/2017/T256 currently needs a signup to get the preview Using VSTS to Deploy to Azure… Weiterlesen →

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