Schlagwort Private Endpoint

Access Serial Console with different Network Configurations

The serial console for VMs is a very useful tool for adapting the VM or making checks via the portal. For this, however, the boot diagnostics must be activated (i.e. a storage account for the logs must exist) and the… Weiterlesen →

App Services with Private Endpoint and Outbound Routing

As described in the previous article, private endpoints can be used to securely access Azure services. With App Services there is an additional possibility to control the outgoing traffic. Specifically, when configuring the app service in the network area, 2… Weiterlesen →

Private Link/Endpoint, Private DNS Zone and Service Endpoint

Most Azure services are accessible via a public URL. However, to provide a higher level of protection and a direct connection, various options are available in Azure. The two most common approaches are Service Endpoints and Private Endpoint/Private Link. Service… Weiterlesen →

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