There are various ways to check the compliance status of Azure policies. It is common to check directly in the portal. However, automated processes are often implemented, such as queries with PowerShell or forwarding to Azure EventGrid. The most elegant… Weiterlesen →
As shown in the previous post, it is easy to deploy a VM with bicep and Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines. If it is an Azure Linux image, then the root user cannot be used for security reasons and access for SSH via username/password… Weiterlesen →
To deploy a VM with Bicep, the resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines can be used. If the image from SQL Server is used, a Microsoft SQL Server is installed accordingly. However, a sample database or firewall rule is often required. These steps can… Weiterlesen →
The Azure Application Gateway supports various routing options. With path-based routing, one or the other backend can be called depending on the URL. Things get a little more complicated when the apps on the app services are distributed in virtual… Weiterlesen →
There are various ways to access a table of a storage account. If the storage account key is used, the request for the REST call must be generated in a complicated manner. The script on Github shows the calculation:… Weiterlesen →
The previous post described how to deploy to an Azure Function if access is protected by an Application Gateway. Access to the function and to the management endpoint as well were protected. The Function was protected by the Function App… Weiterlesen →
Azure Functions are a serverless way to run code. They support different programming languages and can scale quickly. As a developer, it is particularly easy to deploy functions directly from Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code. Functions are often protected… Weiterlesen →
APIs are available for most functionality and information in Azure. A token, which must be sent with the request, is usually required to retrieve the information. Generating a token dynamically or retrieving it via a service principal is often a… Weiterlesen →
Azure App Services are often placed behind an Application Gateway. Routing is easier to control, your own certificates can be stored centrally and data traffic can be checked and attacks detected. However, if the App Service responds with redirects, the… Weiterlesen →
As a starting point, there should be an API with a GET operation to retrieve (flight) data from a Cosmos DB. How the token can be generated to access the Cosmos DB was shown in the previous post Calculating CosmosDB… Weiterlesen →
To retrieve data from a Cosmos DB, its REST API can be used. The query is transmitted in the body of a POST request. Based on the current date, an authorization string must be calculated and supplied. The calculation is… Weiterlesen →
If workloads are to be set up in the Azure, there are various options. To make the choice easier, Microsoft provides the Compute Decision Guide (see picture above). It differentiates between Lift&Shift and Cloud Native and gives recommendations for individual… Weiterlesen →
In the blog post about endless running Azure Functions on Consumption Plan, normal Azure Functions can run without time limit with the help of the functionTimeout property. The same option is also available for the durable functions. The same timeout… Weiterlesen →
Standard Azure Functions (not Durable Functions) have a maximum timeout of 10 minutes on a consumption plan. This is the same timeout for the new Function Runtime ~4 (missing in the link). With the Function Runtime ~3, however, the timeout… Weiterlesen →
My challenge was to start a runbook as soon as a new file was stored in Azure Blob Storage. Unfortunately there is no direct configuration option in the storage account for such notifications. One way would be to poll the… Weiterlesen →
The cost of data transfer inside and outside Azure has become more and more complicated and confusing in recent years. This is due to various factors, so there are always new services with new prices, new Azure regions are emerging… Weiterlesen →
Many customers have problems choosing the right Azure Region for their workload. Especially since the German Region is available, but not all Azure services are available yet, the selection has become even more difficult. To simplify the selection, the workflow… Weiterlesen →
There are various ways to deploy Java applications on an app service. ZIP or WAR files can be uploaded or it can be deployed using a Maven plugin. But Java applications can also be deployed via FTP and executed using… Weiterlesen →
Update December 2019:Since a while, the command has changed, is now longer in preview and no extension is necessary: Sometimes I have problems with the integrated SSH blade in the Azure App Services with Linux – strange error messages,… Weiterlesen →
In times of DevOps, high automation and decoupled microservices, we need well-maintained interfaces that not only work today, but also in a scalable world with a flexible roadmap. Whenever a new service is created, an API is also provided.
Im letzten Post hatte ich einen Link zu unserem gratis Arvato DevOps Poster eingefügt, hier ist der Link nochmal: [Update: 22.05.2019] Nach einer Umstrukturierung unserer Arvato Webseite, kenne ich den neuen Ablageort des Posters noch nicht und habe es… Weiterlesen →
What is a desirable time-to-market for a product? Of course, there can be no blanket answer here. But in the morning at the coffee machine to have an idea and in the afternoon, the first customers use the feature – that would be innovative!
Cloud native software development without the container platform Docker? – unthinkable! In addition to the established Linux containers, the Windows containers also try to find their way. We dare to compare and check whether Windows containers are already among the „first-class citizens“.
Cloud native Softwareentwicklung ohne die Containerplattform Docker? – Undenkbar! Neben den etablierten Linux Containern versuchen auch die Windows-Container ihren Weg zu finden. Wir wagen den Vergleich und prüfen, ob Windows Container schon zu den “First-Class-Citizens“ zählen.
Wir haben kurz vor Weihnachten einen handgezeichneten Film zum Thema DevOps produziert. Die Idee dazu entstand aus zwei Blickrichtungen. Zum einen ist die Weihnachtszeit die klassische Märchenzeit mit gefühlten 20 alten und neuen Märchenverfilmungen täglich. Zum anderen klingt die Idee… Weiterlesen →
These are the thinks I found interessting at Microsoft Connect() 2017: Deploy and Debug directly to Azure managed Kubernetes cluster (AKS) from local VisualStudio environment: Video: currently needs a signup to get the preview Using VSTS to Deploy to Azure… Weiterlesen →
Das Agile Manifest war der Anfang, doch es wird Zeit für den nächsten Schritt. Durch DevOps werden die agilen Ideen ganzheitlich und auf den gesamten Software-Lebenszyklus angewendet. DevOps ist quasi Agil 2.0.
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