Schlagwort App Service

Path-Bases Routing with Azure Application Gateway to App Services with Virtual Path

The Azure Application Gateway supports various routing options. With path-based routing, one or the other backend can be called depending on the URL. Things get a little more complicated when the apps on the app services are distributed in virtual… Weiterlesen →

Access App Services without Host-Header Rewrite

If an AppService is called directly via its IP, either the certificate is invalid or the page cannot be found. If the call is made via HTTPS, the automatic generated certificate only stores the DNS name and not the IP,… Weiterlesen →

Application Gateway and App Services with Redirect

Azure App Services are often placed behind an Application Gateway. Routing is easier to control, your own certificates can be stored centrally and data traffic can be checked and attacks detected. However, if the App Service responds with redirects, the… Weiterlesen →

Keycloak with SSH on Azure App Services

Keycloak is a comprehensive and free open source identity provider. It is also offered in numerous Docker variants, which makes deployment very easy. Access to the shell is necessary for the configuration, e.g. if the first user has to be… Weiterlesen →

Simple Java App (JAR) in Azure AppService

There are various ways to deploy Java applications on an app service. ZIP or WAR files can be uploaded or it can be deployed using a Maven plugin. But Java applications can also be deployed via FTP and executed using… Weiterlesen →

Deploy WAR-File (Magnolia) to App Service with Tomcat

There are various options for deploying Java applications on an App Service. The application can be deployed as a ZIP file or directly as a WAR file. There are different ways for each variant, for example with Azure CLI, FTP,… Weiterlesen →

Multiple Ways for Jobs in Azure

A few weeks ago, a colleague asked me how he should do a simple job in Azure. Googling is a quick way to get on WebJobs or Azure Batch, but is rarely suitable for a specific problem. In our case,… Weiterlesen →

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